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Showing posts from September, 2021

Chatting With Julia Vellucci

 Hey People! I had the honour of talking to the lovely and amazing author- Julia Vellucci. It was so much fun! I am sharing the chat with you guys, keep scrolling. What has influenced you the most as a writer? As a writer, my personal mistakes through my life experiences I undergo and learn from, lessons my parents and sister have taught me all mainly contribute to the inspirational and wholesome themes and messages I incorporate into my novels. Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? WHY? I prefer physical books as I love to stare at the stunning cover and spine of them on my shelf and flip through their pages when reading them.  That to me feels like truly reading and diving into the character's world. What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most? Considering that the main genre of my novels is romance, my readers would expect I would have some experience in that field as the emotions and feelings I paint for my chara

Chatting With Maria Vermisgolou

 Hey there! I had the honour of talking to the phenomenal author -Maria Vermisoglou! It was so much fun!! I got to know so much about her and if you are her reader, I know you want to more about her as well. Well then, scroll down to read the chat! 1.    What has influenced you the most as a writer?   Books and travels. They inspire me a lot and an idea can pop because of a statue (it has happened) or because of a book. Great sources of inspiration for all artists.   2.    Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why? I love physical books because I can smell them, feel them, touch the depths of their souls. Also, they never run out of battery!  I haven’t tried audiobooks but I don’t pay attention to sound much. If I listen to music, I get absorbed by what I do, for example, writing, and suddenly I discover I am 50 songs away. I may download ebooks out of necessity because my bookcases have no room, but I prefer physical copies.   3.    What behind-the-scene