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Chatting With A.R. Hansen

 Hello guys!

As most of you already know that I have been chatting with authors for quite some time now. I had the honour to talk to the phenomenal author of The Princess and the Forest Mage, A.R. Hansen. In this blog, I'll be sharing our conversation with you. I had a fun time chatting with her and I really hope you guys enjoy this too! Keep reading.

 What has influenced you the most as a writer?
I’ve had dreams that have influenced many of my stories. Well, I have a notebook that I call my “Dream journal” on my nightstand so that when I dream about something amazing, I’d woke up and write it down. In particular, the entire concept of The Princess and the Forest Mage/Eternity Series came from a series of dreams I had, like some television serial episode.
Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?
Physical books are a personal favourite of mine because it’s easy on the eyes. It felt good in your hand, and it does not require batteries for power. Also, it's difficult to pay attention to an audiobook if you’re driving or doing chores around the house. E-books are convenient because they’re always on your phone and you can search for exactly what you want at any time without having to scroll through a bunch of pages.
 What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I like to build my pre-writing exercise by drawing the scene on paper. It will help improve my ability to imagine what happens in each scene. That’s because, with this technique, I have an image on paper as my guide. I would start drawing each scene as a picture to make me better at imagining what happens in it.
 What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?
Last year I did a Google image search. I typed "bowel" instead of "bowl" and the results were vastly different.
 What is your favourite time to write, and why?
My favourite time to write is in the middle of the night. That way I’m less likely to get distracted. I feel like I can really get the creative juices flowing with all the silence.
 How do you think being a writer has helped you as a person?
Being a writer has made me more organized which I think has helped me throughout my life. One of the things I found to be a challenge was just figuring out how to organize my thoughts and ideas in a way that made sense. It’s given me a way to explain and understand the world around me. More often than not, the most mundane or boring everyday things will have an interesting story to tell if you dig deep enough. I also think it makes you more plugged into what’s going on around you.
 What is your favourite word, and why?
My favourite word is "conciseness" because it usually refers to someone or something that has been analyzed in such detail that they are highly organized and orderly, especially when it comes to planning or scheduling. It would be hard for me not to like this word as I am an organizing person myself; I always put my things away neatly when I am done using them so that my space remains neat and tidy.
If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?
I also have a full-time job as a computer engineer.
 Do you Google yourself?
Yes, and I found my books which is great!
 What are your favourite novels?
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown, it’s a thriller novel that pits the idea of science and religion as they are faced against one another. It’s a well-written mystery book with twists and turns that will even surprise to the last pages.
 What book are you currently reading?
None, I have had no time lately.
 If you could be a supernatural creature, which one would it be?
I would choose to be a sorcerer because they are very powerful and can do spells, charms, and curses. I don’t like being powerless, and you can always do spells and charms to make yourself feel better. They have powers over nature and elemental magic. I love nature so much and the idea of magical powers over it is tempting.
 If you could time travel, would you like to visit the past or future?
The past has always been something that I have been fascinated by, but I’m going to pick the future because I have already seen the past. I want to see whether the world is getting better or worse. How far can human evolution go? What will humans look like in 1,000,000 years? These are questions I’ve always wondered about.
 If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
Let’s start with scrupulous, positive and stubborn.
  Any message you would like to give to your readers?
Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If only just one person enjoys my book, then I will have been successful as an author.
Also, you can find me on my Facebook and Instagram page, so feel free to say hi and let us connect.


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