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Showing posts from August, 2021

Chatting With Krystal White

 Hey there! I had the honour to talk to the phenomenal author Krystal White. I had heaps and heaps of fun! This is the written version of this chat. Keep reading! What has influenced you the most as a writer? As a reader, I found myself noticing a lot of the stories I was reading had similar plots. One day I said to myself: how would I have written this story if it were mine? The next thing I knew, I was thinking about plots and characters and how to make my own stories.  Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why? I like all three. Depending on time, type of book and location, I tend to switch between the three. What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most? Just a handful of people close to me know I am a writer. What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written? I’ve mixed up characters from different stories together. What is your favourite time to write, and why? I write whenever inspiration comes. I hate it w

Chatting With A.R. Hansen

  Hello guys! As most of you already know that I have been chatting with authors for quite some time now. I had the honour to talk to the phenomenal author of The Princess and the Forest Mage , A.R. Hansen. In this blog, I'll be sharing our conversation with you. I had a fun time chatting with her and I really hope you guys enjoy this too! Keep reading.   What has influenced you the most as a writer? I’ve had dreams that have influenced many of my stories. Well, I have a notebook that I call my “Dream journal” on my nightstand   so that when I dream about something amazing, I’d woke up and write it down. In particular, t he entire concept of The Princess and the Forest Mage/Eternity Series came from a series of dreams I had, like some television serial episode.   Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why? Physical books are a personal favourite of mine because it’s easy on the eyes. It felt good in your hand, and it does not require batteries for power. Also, i